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October 2015


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UPS Quantum View <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Oct 2015 15:51:05 -0400
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 ! A signature is required for package delivery

You have a package coming.

Scheduled Delivery Date:  Friday,  10/30/2015

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This message was sent to you at the request of Gobos, Custom Gobos, Wedding Gobos, to notify you that the shipment information below has been transmitted to UPS. The physical package may or may not have actually been tendered to UPS for shipment. To verify the actual transit status of your shipment, click on the tracking link below.

Shipment Details

From: Gobos, Custom Gobos, Wedding Gobos,

Tracking Number: 1Z4925RF0294310178

Ship To: 

Inter-Residence Association
486 S. Prospect St
150 WDW Commons
Burlington, VT 05405

UPS Service: 2ND DAY AIR

Number of Packages: 1

Package Weight:  

Scheduled Delivery: 10/30/2015

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