March 2009


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"Leah W. Curren" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wills 3!!! <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 25 Mar 2009 16:08:18 -0400
text/plain (22 lines)
Hey party people-
One of the events you guys requested during our last meeting was to go  
see a movie.  Fortunately for all of us, Program Board is showing "Yes  
Man" and "Milk" at the CC Theater this Saturday.. Want to go as a  
floor? Please let me know if you want to go by Friday, and say if  
you'd rather go to Milk at 6 or Yes Man at 11. Whichever gets   
responses, we can do. We can also do both, if people want to do that.  
Please just make sure that you A) show up if you say you will and B)  
email me, not the entire listserve.
I'm also working on some kind of cookie/cupcake event, but I need to  
see how much floor money we have left, and try to think of a way for  
Hall Council to pay for it, which is so much cooler. Any other floor  
activity ideas? Let me know.
ALSO, there is a bed in our lounge. If anyone knows anything about its  
room of origin, please get it back there. If it's still there next  
week, our floor is getting charged, and whoever is missing a bed has  
to pay for UVM to get a new one. Not fun.

Have a great day (enjoy the sunshine!)

:) Leah