October 2008


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"Leah W. Curren" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wills 3!!! <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Oct 2008 20:58:08 -0400
text/plain (22 lines)
Hey everyone-
I hope you're all having a great week. I just wanted to let you know  
about a few things-
1) We will be having a mandatory meeting on Monday at 7pm in the  
lounge. There are a lot of really important things that we need to  
talk about, so I really need everyone to be there. If you can't come,  
please let me know in advance so I can catch up with you before then.  
Otherwise,  I'll see you on Monday for our fun and informative meeting  
that may involve food.
2) I'm not going to be here from Saturday morning until sometime  
Sunday night. That's right- I'm taking a day, and even a night, off.  
All of the other RAs know that I'll be away and are more than willing  
to help you with anything you may need. Also, like always, feel free  
to call the duty phone between 7pm and 8am.
3) Please, please, please remember (and maybe even follow?) quiet  
hours. 11pm on weeknights and 12am on weekends.
4) We're one of the very, very few floors to have not had any  
incidents yet, which makes me wicked happy, so thank you guys for  
being so awesome :)
Have a fabulous Friday, and a great weekend if I don't see you,