It may be February, but here in Orientation, we're already thinking about June.
It's not we don't like freezing, but because we're getting geared up for June
Orientation to welcome the class of 2008!
This all means that it's time to recruit the next group of Orientation
Leaders (who we lovingly call "OL's"). If you want to apply to be an OL, pick
up an application at any of the residence halls' front desks, at the library,
at the Department Student Life, or at
Applications are due Feb 11 (at noon) to the Department of Student Life.
You might be asking yourself, "self, would I make a good OL?" Well don't fret!
There is not one specific "type" of OL! Some are shy, some are not, some like
Blueberry Poptarts and some like Strawberry Poptarts. All OL's need to have
good people skills and have no time conflicts between May 24 and June 28.
So don't delay, apply today!
Tim Plante
Student Orientation Coordinator
B410 Billings Student Center
University of Vermont
"When those who have the power to name and to socially construct reality choose
not to see you, hear you, whether you are dark-skinned, old, disabled, female,
or speak with a different accent or dialect than theirs, when someone with the
authority of a teacher, say, describes the world and you are not in it, there
is a moment of psychic disequilibrium, as if you looked into a mirror and saw
Adrienne Rich
Corin E. Blanchard
Assistant Coordinator for Community and Leadership Development
Department of Residential Life
University of Vermont