Hey IRA! Great meeting! General Body 2-24-03 1. Campus Concerns A. New Director of Residential Life: Search Committee C. Assistant Director of Residential Life: Search Committee 2. Follow-up: Next Step, very successful, are looking forward to do it next year 3. Co-Sponsorships A. Robert Channing for Opening Weekend: FULL B. National Women’s Day, Mid-Night Jazz: FULL 4. Complex update: A. Main- no meeting B. J/M- MIA C. CWPS- “Vacuum Madness” Vacuums are being stolen, because of problems at the desk, therefore everything at desk: vacuums, movies etc. are frozen D. WDW- Band coming to WDW, trying to get The Flo to open E. MSHCR- no meeting F. H/M- Freezing funds G. L/L- …… H. MAT- Spa day in 2 weeks! 5. Committee Update B.O.B A. Packets have gone out!!! B. Seven bands C. Volunteers needed 6. Formation of New Committees A. UVM Idol April 24th- Brit Redline and Heather Jones B. Constitution/ election- Keith Upton and Claire Schreibor THANK YOU! 7. Architect Meeting last Tuesday A. Changes every week B. Website is going up to see plans C. Working on Parking #350 spaces D. Coming again March 25th, 2003 8. Jon Mruz with SGA Updates A. Fogel- talked about Honors College B. Diversity, focus on race C. SGA Pres. And Vice Pres. Debates Wednesday 26th, 7:00 in Memorial Lounge 9. Student Commons Meeting Tuesday!! 5:30-7pm Billings Student Center