January 2001


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Farm Collie Breed Conservancy and Restoration <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Jan 2001 18:24:07 -0500
text/plain (33 lines)
At 1:32 PM -0800 1/30/01, john sease wrote:
>    Although I don't yet own an English Shepherd, I am interested  in the
>club.  How can I find them?  Is there a newsletter?      And, when is
>the surge in available puppies likely to  happen in 2001?  Do people breed
>their bitches during the winter? spring?  summer?  Just trying to plan
>ahead, to think about getting a puppy.

To join the ES Club it is $25 a year and there are 6 newsletters and voting
rights included in that fee. The past few years the ES Club was interesting
but really not much more than a hardcopy version of an email list -
pictures and stories and info...  This year, with the changes at UKC the ES
Club wll be busy, deciding what to do about the UKC decision and possibly
rewriting the ES standard so membership will really give people some say in
the future of the breed.

        To join you need to send your money to:

The English Shepherd Club
551 Mayotte Road
E. Fairfield, VT 05448

        and if you are planning on joining in the next month or so please
email me your name and address and I will add you to the roster now so you
will get the next newsletter which will be coming out soon.

        As for litters... from now until June is probably when the most
litters are born but there are always pups available all year 'round.  I
try to keep the breeders network up to date
( plus I often know
about other litters not online.
