September 2012


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"Rebecca C. Wingler" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Farm Collie Breed Conservancy and Restoration <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 1 Sep 2012 22:08:48 -0400
text/plain (31 lines)
Jean McAulay has a couple of pups that are still available from her 
litter between her Penny & my Dillon.  This was a match-up that I have 
long looked forward to, since this brings a little bit of the Jarratt 
bloodlines back into a breeding with Dillon.  Penny is Dillon's great 
grand daughter. The Jarratt bloodline is a little harder to find within 
the ES world.  I was blessed to have known Ed Lynn Jarratt & to have 
been able to breed my Bec to his Russ.  Dillon is the last Jarratt 
offspring of that generation, that is still intact.  He recently 
celebrated his 9th birthday.

Penny was a delight while she was here at my house - a super nice girl. 
I am pleased to know that the Jarratt legacy will continue through her 
future breedings.

Bonnie is a clear sable and white female.  Adam is either going to be 
seal & white (like Dillon) or sable & white when all is said and done.  
Like Dillon, he also inherited the fading gray gene, which makes it a 
little hard to tell about his coat color at the moment.  He will 
continue to lighten up for about another month & then will revert back 
to a darker coat color.

Contact email for Jean is on the webpage, or you can get up with me for 
further information. Included in the pictures are a recent trip to the 
herding trainer's house.  Even though their exposure to livestock has 
been limited, they do show promise.  ;-)

Rebecca Wingler