We went in to pick up the pups and see Bo and he was almost totally
unresponsive. It was as if he had already died but was still breathing.
Neither we nor the vet could hold any hope that he would return to even the
low level of life he had be living before the chocolate. We made the
decicion to have him put down. It was very hard and we are still scared for
the two pups.
Bo ended as he began. We used to call him destructo mutt. He would eat
through a screen door to get in our hot tub. We recently installed a dog
door with an inner panel that was supposed to "lock" it. Bo took one look at
that, stuck his nose under, lifted it and went out.
Both of us had gradually become prepared for Bo's passing. In the last year
or two he really has been less and less there with us in spite of occasional
moments that gave us hope and recalled the young dog he had been.
We grive the passing of a wonderful friend.
Jim Wolf, Connecticut