Other than the Merle which is in Shelties but not ES's, the color genetics
are the same.
Erin M
On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Sandra Reeve <[log in to unmask]>
> Okay, this is, I think, more of a question about how similar breeding
> works between shelties
> and ES's. Just wanting to learn a bit. <ggg>
> Now, in shelties, our sable can be tri factored. And, Ginny, with her
> mother being a tri we
> would really assume that she was tri factored from the time she was born
> on. Now, the sire,
> with both parents being sables, could be a tri factored sable
> himself..........but you don't
> find out until breeding him. Unless you knew both parents were tri
> factored. Obviously at
> least one of his parents is tri factored and he inherited that gene.
> And, in shelties, there are hints in the coat color as well that does
> help to give clues
> towards judging if a dog/bitch is tri factored. Is that true in ES's
> also??
> Inquiring minds.......
> Sandra
> MythicWinds shelties
> >
> > Jessica Hennings <[log in to unmask]> wrote: We had a litter
> last weekend (Angus X
> > Ginny) and here are some pics if any
> > of you enjoy looking at puppy pics. These pics were taken at 3 days old,
> > yesterday.
> >
> > There are 9 pups-- 3 tricolor males, 2 tricolor females, 2 sable males,
> 2
> > sable females. This is really interesting because Ginny has never had
> more
> > than 1 tricolor per litter before (and those single tricolors were all
> > girls). Ginny is a light, clear sable herself but her mom Daisy was a
> > tricolor. Angus, and both his parents were sables. So it's unusual for
> us
> > to see this many tricolors!
> >
> >
> http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AYt2rhq3ctmRu&emid=sharshar&linkid=link5
> >
> >
> > Hope some of you enjoy!
> >
> > Jessica Hennings
> >
> > http://home.centurytel.net/gracehaven/index.htm
> >
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