Jennifer, I'm so sorry to hear about this, and in a young dog, too. Your collies are beautiful, and Tyson sounds so nice. ML
Michael and Jennifer WhiteWolf Crock <[log in to unmask]> wrote: It has been a long time since posting, but I do read the emails I get
from the Farmcollie list every day.
Some of you who have been around for 6 years or so may remember back to
a time that almost 6 years ago we had a litter of 13, and placed many of
them in new homes...We kept 3 of the pups, and later took 2 more back,
one because he was being neglected, the other because his 'mom' had a
change in living conditions and could no longer keep him. We agreed to
find him a new quality home, but he ended up staying here with us...we
just loved him so much that we decided not to place him. His former mom
has come to visit him once a year, involving an all day drive each
way....Our current story involves this particular dog, Tyson. His puppy
name was Visions of Lad, and we still have a photo of him on the website
getting into his crate for the plane trip to his new home in BC Canada.
At the bottom of the page there is a photo of him with his brother Sky
and his father TahTay...
Tyson has been a great dog since he came back to us about 3 years ago.
He has such a nice temperament that he has been nic-named "Ambassador
About 2 months ago he started slowing down and panting a lot, then
developed high temperature. Blood test revealed high lever enzymes and
digital X-ray showed spots on the spleen, liver large but not mis-shaped
or with spots. We started him on high dose anti-biotic to deal with any
infections, and a liver medication, planning for a spleen removal when
he got infection under control...He got a lot worse, almost died, had IV
infusion and some days on morphine because of pain...then he got a
little better but still had high temperature. We did a course of 3 weeks
of 4 antibiotics and still no real improvement, and then the tumors on
the skin erupt....About a week ago he started to get a few lumps, then
more and more.. last night one of the tumors burst. Vet aspirated 4 of
the tumors today and looked at the cells and they look like lymphoma
cancer cells. Samples are being sent off the Oncologist and we will have
final results Wednesday...but it looks pretty bad...
We had hoped that he was developing Cushing's disease, also bad, but at
least manageable. We now suspect that the dark spots seen in the spleen
are likely also lymphoma tumors. This would explain the whole
constellation of symptoms he has....
Does anybody here have any experience with a nutritional or alternative
approach to treating or managing K9 Cancer? If so, please let me know...
We are not inclined to chemo and radiation, as these can be painful and
not really extend life with any real quality. Our approach will be to
keep him as pain free as possible, to enjoy as much as he can the time
he has left with us. If we can also treat with nutritional supplements
and similar, I am open to suggestions. I have found a place that sells
anti cancer neutraceutical blends for dogs, Aloha Medicinals. We bought
a starting round from them later today, but he may already be in stage
4 and it could well be too late.
My mom died in late in May, and now I have to face the possible death of
one of my dogs....Rough spring/summer time here...
Jennifer [ & Mike ]
And our DreamDancer Collies....
Cookie and TayTay and Lady and Java and Lucky and Sky and ....still with
us, Tyson