Hi everyone.
Well, we dug up a few photos of the Collies and Michal made up a litttle web
page with them. Soon we will take some nice outdoor shots that show their
shape and color better that these 'candid' shots. For those that are
interested in the difference between the old Scotch Collie and the American
Collie, the differences will be evident once we add more photos. Head shape
difference is clear in these few photos. TahTay [American] was bred to have
a more moderate coat than has been in fashion in recent years for AKC types.
As he grows up, we expect him to fill out to about 75 pounds, [ compared to
Cookie's adult weight of 48 to 50 lbs] but  to have a moderate length coat
resembeling Cookie's. He is now almost 6 months, lanky, but with a fur that
is more adult like than puppy fuzz.  Cookie has classic Scottich black tips
on her sable hairs, Tay's sable hair is pure sable the whole length. It will
be interesting to see if this changes as he matures.

Additional photos  will be added this webpage along with lots of other stuff
as time passes. You might want  to save the webpage in your "favorites" and
come back from time to time. In addition to more K9 family photos, we will
be adding TahTay's pedigree chart, information on 'home made' dog food, and
links to Collie sites, information on Albert Payson Terhine, famous author
of Collie stories and Collie breeder, and plenty more . You might REALLY
like this......We will be adding an image gallery of some of the best cards
from my antique Post Card and Cabinet card collection, and images from the
internet, of course, showing Collies as they once commonly were, and rarely
are today----the Scotch Collie!   Here is the starting point,.......

