Here's the problem: I've applied on 4 separate occasions for 4
different collie mix puppies from different area rescues, given vet phone
numbers as references and puppy proofed my home for any volunteer
inspections. Each of these dogs has been adopted to other families and no
one from any rescues has called my vet for references or inspected my home. 

    Jess, I don't know what to tell you except some (many?) rescues have 
preconceived rules and notions that are strictly and arbitrarily adhered to.
     I have worked with rescues, had my own cat rescue for many years so 
I've seen different sides and unfortunetly, I feel to the detriment of the 
animal not all groups are equal.
    Perhaps there is a great demand for puppies.  In our area, puppies 
rarely (never?) make it to the adoption floor of our local no kill shelters.
     Some of the rules that I feel are too arbitrary are a location limit. 
If you live 200 feet outside what they feel is their range, they will not 
adopt (Thankfully when I had my own rescue this did not apply.).  They 
wouldn't adopt to a "business" so the retiree who would be home all day with 
a pet but fixed small electronic appliances from his house was excluded as 
was the person whose condominium was located over a shop.
   Then there is the rule that the ENTIRE family had to take the dog to 
obedience class.  Don't tell them about your 21 year old daughter 2 states 
away at college or your 75 year old mother who lives with you and can't 
    Several years ago when I wanted to add a dog I went to the local shelter 
looking for a collie, border collie, sheltie, aussie or a mix that was 
mostly one of these breeds.  Basically there were labs, pit bull and 
shepherd mixes.  I asked if a dog came in could I be notified?  No, they 
didn't do that.....I would have to visit the shelter.  Now mind, I didn't 
say hold the dog for me, I said notify.  Had I gotten a call I could have 
been there within half an hour.  If the dog was still there, fine, if not, 
so be it.  Sometimes I wonder how much these people really want to adopt out 
      All of my dogs have come from reputable breeders and at this point I 
wouldn't look anywhere else, unles I knew someone rehoming a dog.