A couple of teachers at Stowe loaded and did not find it useful at all.
Cindy O'Hara wrote:
> Does anyone have any comments on the aol@school software? I reread all the
> old messages on this topic on the list serve, but wondered if anyone has
> anything new to say.
> Thanks,
> Cindy O'Hara
> Operations Supervisor
> St. Albans Town Educational Center
Jon Scherbatskoy - PC Support Technologist
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Stowe School District
Stowe, VT 05682
Stowe High/Middle School (802)-253-7218
voice mail (802)-253-7229 x 339
Stowe Elementary School (802)-253-4154 x 231
"We are not using the land for ourselves,
We are saving it for our children."
Native American Saying