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Behalf Of OIIA Satellite Town Meeting
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2000 11:09 AM
Subject: Program Information: February Satellite Town Meeting 02/15/2000
- Message #92
February Satellite Town Meeting #67
"Powerful Middle Schools:
Teaching and Learning for Young Adolescents"
Tuesday, February 15, 2000 - 8:00 to 9:00 pm (ET)
Thoughtful educators and community leaders across the country are
discovering new ways shape the middle school experience, creating
new learning environments to better influence students' intellectual
and personal development. Research tells us that young adolescents
between ages 10-14 experience more emotional, developmental, and
physical changes than at any other time except in the first three years
of life. The middle school period is also a critical transitional phase
in a student's academic development, as young adolescents need to
meet rigorous academic standards and be held to high expectations.
Helping these young people to learn and achieve to their full potential
is the unique mission of the middle school community.
This program will focus on what works in high performing middle schools.
While many of the reform issues are the same for all K-12 schools, many
middle are emphasizing hands-on learning, team concepts, and flexible
schedules and other administrative innovations, as well as strong
where all students are connected to adults. The program will also include
discussion of how schools and families can help middle school students
start getting ready for college.
Secretary Riley and his guests will discuss questions such as:
* Why focus on middle schools? What makes the middle grades unique for
* What is a "high performing" middle school? How are middle school reforms
different from elementary and high schools?
* Why is it so critical for middle schools to expect high academic standards
of all students? Why is algebra such an important indicator of success in
middle schools?
* How can middle schools create smaller, more personalized learning
* How is parent involvement different at the middle school level? In what
ways should parents be involved?
* How can mentors and tutors help assure all middle grades students are
connected to
adults in meaningful ways?
* What types of unique professional development experiences do middle
school educators need?
* In what ways can community partnerships enhance learning for young
Why is community service so important for this grade level?
* Why should middle school students already be thinking about college?
The broadcast will also feature:
Barren County Middle School in rural Glasgow, Kentucky. This powerful
middle school shares a comprehensive vision of excellence that addresses
the developmental and academic needs of each of its students. Teachers,
parents and community members are working together to provide: a
rigorous curriculum that draws connections across disciplines;
professional development; and extended school services for students
who need additional guidance.
Apple Computer's, Apple Learning Interchange now provides live and archived
webcasts of the Satellite Town Meeting. To view and learn more, please
For technical assistance on the day of the program only,
please call 202-806-3110.
C-Band: Satellite: Telstar 6C; Transponder/Channel: 7;
Orbital Location: 93 degrees West; Downlink Frequency:
3840 mHz; Polarity: Vertical; Audio: Audio 6.2 and 6.8
KU-Band: Satellite: SBS-6; Transponder/Channel: 6;
Orbital Location: 74 degrees; Downlink Frequency:
11847 mHz; Polarity: Vertical; Audio: 6.2 and 6.8
Satellite coordinates are subject to change. It is critical that each
downlink site register, in order to be notified (by e-mail or fax) in case
of changes in satellite coordinates or any other critical information
regarding the event.
Use our on-line registration system to register your participation, locate a
local meeting or local television broadcast: http://ed.gov/registerevent or
call 800-USA-LEARN.
Take advantage of the "Series Option" and register for the entire 1999-2000
Satellite Town Meeting Season.
Thank you!
***The Satellite Town Meeting is produced in partnership with the National
Alliance of Business, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Committee for
Economic Development, with support from the Bayer Foundation, Target Stores
and the Procter & Gamble Fund. Broadcast and cable partners include
Discovery Communications, the Public Broadcasting Service, Apple Computers,
NASA and Channel One. Use, duplication and distribution of the Satellite
Town Meeting is free and unrestricted.***
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LaVelle Johnson
US Department of Education
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