> *********************************************
> Satellite Town Meeting #67
> "Powerful Middle Schools: Teaching and Learning for Young Adolescents"
> Tuesday, February 15, 2000 - 8:00 to 9:00 pm (ET)
> *********************************************
> ***For technical assistance on the day of the program only, please call
> 202- 806-3110.***
> February's Satellite Town Meeting participants are:
> Co-hosts:
> U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley
> Deputy Assistant Secretary Judith Johnson, Office of Elementary and
> Secondary Education
> Panelists:
> *Ms. Michelle Pedigo, Principal, Barren County Middle School, Glasgow,
> Kentucky
> *Mr. Kevin Kuppler, Science Teacher & Curriculum Specialist, Jefferson
> Middle School, Champaign,Illinois
> *Ms. Ruth McLaurin, Parent Outreach Organizer, Take the Time Project,
> Whitaker Middle School, Portland, Oregon
> *Mr. Hayes Mizell, Program Officer, Middle Schools Project, Edna McConnell
> Clark Foundation, New York, NY
> In the Audience:
> * Dr. Gaye Ivey, Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of
> Maryland-College Park
> * Dr. Betty Sturtevant, International Reading Association, George Mason
> University, Graduate School
> * Dr. Vinetta C. Jones, Dean, School of Education, Howard University
> For more information on this topic, visit these websites:
> National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform - www.edc.org/FSC/MGF
> Think College Early - www.ed.gov/thinkcollege
> Gear Up - www.ed.gov/gearup
> Figure This! Math Challenges for Families - www.figurethis.org
> International Reading Association - www.reading.org
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Apple Computer's, Apple Learning Interchange now provides live
> and archived webcasts of the Satellite Town Meeting. To view and
> learn more, please visit:
> <http://www.ali.apple.com/events/aliqttv>
> For technical assistance on the day of the program only,
> please call 202- 806-3110.
> Satellite: Telstar 6C; Transponder/Channel: 7; Orbital Location: 93
> degrees West; Downlink Frequency: 3840 MHz; Polarization: Vertical; Audio
> 6.2 and 6.8
> Satellite: SBS-6; Transponder/Channel: 6; Orbital Location: 74 degrees
> Downlink Frequency: 11847 MHz; Polarization: Vertical; Audio: 6.2 and 6.8
> **************
> **************
> Satellite coordinates are subject to change. It is critical that each
> downlink site register, in order to be notified (by e-mail or fax)
> in case of changes in satellite coordinates or any other critical
> information regarding the event.
> Use our new on-line registration system to register your participation,
> locate a local meeting or local television broadcast:
> <http://ed.gov/registerevent>
> or call 800-USA-LEARN.
> Take advantage of the "Series Option" and register for the entire
> 1999-2000 Satellite Town Meeting Season.
> Thank you!
> *** The Satellite Town Meeting is produced in partnership with the
> National
> Alliance of Business, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Committee for
> Economic Development, with support from the Bayer Foundation, Target
> Stores
> and the Procter & Gamble Fund. Broadcast and cable partners include
> Discovery Communications, the Public Broadcasting Service, Apple
> Computers,
> NASA and Channel One.
> Use, duplication and distribution of the Satellite Town Meeting
> is free and unrestricted.***
> ==========================================
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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> <http://www.ed.gov/MailingLists/STM-LIST/>
> ==========================================
> LaVelle Johnson
> US Department of Education
> [log in to unmask]