I can't speak for myself since I use together.net at home, but all of
the teachers at Winooski say speeds are much better.
- Bryan
>Some of my users are complaining that they are not achieving the
>speeds they once were when dialing in to K12Net from home. They say
>that speeds had gotten up into the 40's before the changeover a few
>months ago. Now they are back to low 30's. Have others experienced
>this? Is there a different number to call for folks with 56K modems?
>I post this here because I am successful in getting a response
>directly from GovNet when I post a problem report.
>Vince Rossano
>District Technology Coordinator
>Montpelier Public Schools
>58 Barre Street
>Montpelier, VT 05602
>Voice: (802) 229-5355
>Fax: (802) 223-6146
>Email: [log in to unmask]
Bryan Thompson
Technology Facilitator
60 Normand Street
Winooski, VT 05404
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