There seems to be an email virus bouncing through the list - I've
received 3-4 of these this morning "W32/Bagle-AU".
The message is posted below.
I would suggest taking a moment to update and scan your comps.
Have a nice day / weekend.
Bill Mark
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The
following is an automated message from UVM's email gateway: UVM's
email gateway found one or more attachments to this email message
that contained the following virus(es): W32/Bagle-AU The gateway has
deleted the attachments. This notification is being sent to you for
informational purposes. To keep nuisance factors and mail traffic
under control, the apparent sender of the message has NOT been
notified. Many viruses use forged "from" addresses, so the apparent
sender's computer may not be the one that is infected. UVM
Postmaster -----------------------------------------------------------------------------