Hi Uwe
we still have an old 251 here although we don't use it
anymore. It was run from a PC and I will get the software
together to forward to you. Once I know how much space is
required I may either mail a zip file or try to load it onto
the CGS ftp site. Will get back to you once I know more.
Dr Bruce Eglington
Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Saskatchewan
114 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2,
tel. (306) 966-5732
fax. (306) 966-8593
email. [log in to unmask]
-----Original Message-----
From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Uwe Horstmann
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2005 6:11 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [ISOGEOCHEM] MAT251-Apple
Dear all,
the long and fearfully awaited day has now finally descended
on my laboratory. The Apple IIe, so far bravely controlling
our MAT 251, has stopped talking to the instrument; the IEEE
interface card inside the Apple has ceased to perform and
this, of course, renders the whole mass-spec unusable.
Naturally, the first idea coming to mind is to put a PC onto
the machine, but there is no suitable software available
here in South Africa. I would like to at least test whether
an old DOS version of Isodat works on my old MAT 251.
Any suggestion of how to sort out this problem will be
welcome; ideally, I would be looking for someone who may
have had a 251, done away with it long ago, but may still
have the old CDOS / Isodat software somewhere in a long
forgotten cabinet and would be willing to part with it.
Needless to say, there is no support by the well known
manufacturer of this instrument any longer.
Thank you all
regards and cheers,
Dr. Uwe E. Horstmann
Council for Geoscience
0001 Pretoria, South Africa
Tel.: +27 12 841-1361, Fax: -1278
Cell: 082 4083212
e-mail: [log in to unmask]