note that the SIL web address is incorrect. It should be
http://www.usask.ca/geology/isotope This redirects one to
krakatoa at present but this will ultimately stop when I
upload the files to the university web server.
The address you have give will work at present but should
not be used as it will not always exist.
Dr Bruce Eglington
Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Saskatchewan
114 Science Place
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2,
tel. (306) 966-5732
fax. (306) 966-8593
email. [log in to unmask]
-----Original Message-----
From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Chris Holmden
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 8:39 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [ISOGEOCHEM] Ca and Cr isotopes-student
The Saskatchewan isotope Laboratory is seeking
qualified graduate students with an appetite for
adventure in stable isotopes, and a desire to
move beyond the gas! We have developed new
analytical capacity for high precision
measurements of both Ca and Cr isotopes using
double spikes with precisions of ±0.12” (2s) and
0.02” (2s) respectively.
Natural mass dependent variations of both Ca and
Cr are known in nature. Some projects using Ca
isotopes include, tracing Ca-cycling in modern
and ancient carbonate producing epeiric sea
environments, elucidation of mechanisms of
biomineralization in marine aquaria, tracing
Ca-cycling and isotope fractionation in
organisms, and exploring the use of Ca isotopes
as a trophic level indicator. Chromium isotope
fractionation appears to be linked to changes in
redox state of the environment and, thus, holds
promise as a paleo-redox tracer of ancient
environments, most notably the oceans. Some
studies utilizing Cr isotopes include, laboratory
experiments to understand the fractionation
mechanism in greater detail, basic reconnaissance
studies of Cr isotope fractionation in modern
oxic and reducing surficial environments, Cr
oxidation during weathering, tracing the
reduction capacity of the earths oceans through
Ca isotope measurements are performed on a Thermo
Finnigan Triton instrument, and Cr isotope
measurements are performed on a Thermo Finnigan
Neptune. Visit our web page for more information
about the Department of Geological Sciences
(http://www.usask.ca/geology/) and the
Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory (SIL)
Research on Cr and Ca isotope systems undertaken
in the SIL can benefit from multiproxy approaches
utilizing conventional stable and radiogenic
isotopes systems/tracers, which may all be
performed in-house.
For more information contact Dr. Chris Holmden at
the address below, by phone, or by email at
[log in to unmask] Students seeking scholarships
should make contact immediately.
Chris Holmden
Saskatchewan Isotope Laboratory
Department of Geological Sciences
114 Science Place
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 5E2
Office: 306-966-5697
Sask Isotope Lab: 306-966-5712
Fax: 306-966-8593