>Dear Dr. Nathaniel E. Ostrom
If still it is possible, could you please send me all information about the
short course on applications of stable isotopes in biogeochemistry at
Michigan State University.
Thank you in advance
Miguel Rangel Medina
Prof. Miguel Rangel Medina
Prof. Inv. Hidrogeoquímica y Geología Urbana
Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Sonora
Blvd Luis Encinas y Av. Rosales; Col. Centro
C.P. 83000; Hermosillo, Sonora, México
Tel. 01 662 2 59 21 10
Fax 01 662 2 59 21 11
Email: [log in to unmask][log in to unmask]http://www.geologia.uson.mxhttp://www.geocities.com/hidrogeologo
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