Back in 2001, I had a TPH 050 repaired and reconditioned (and the motor
replaced as well) by Eagle Instrument Services. The cost wasn't too
outlandish ($1600), but the turn-around time was a bit longer than one
might hope for. Sounds like Balzers will probably be the speediest
route. However, assuming they are still in business, here is their contact
information in case you want to make some inquiries:
Eagle Instrument Services, Inc.
132 Outer Looop Suite C
Louisville, KY 40214
[log in to unmask]
At 12:35 PM 1/19/2007, you wrote:
>Hi Subrata--
>There's a list of some vendors on our website so you'll have some other
>also, some info is on the Isogeochem site:
>take care
>p.s. Listen to warnings about different companies..
>p.p.s. The speed on our turbo pump on the 251 was oscillating. It was not
>a problem with the controller or pump, but a faulty capacitor on one of
>the control boards (BLS? BMG?--sorry, I blotted it out of my memory)
>"Subrata Chakraborty wrote:
>>Hi Isogeochem Members:
>>We are out of luck with our Turbo pump (TPU 330) of MAT251. Its kind of
>>sudden death without proper indication. After some trouble shooting we
>>came to the conclusion that the controller (TCP270) is ok, but the pump is
>>Its a Balzers/Pfeiffer pump and the company is asking for atleast 3 weeks
>>for the exchange/repair service. I am sending out this query to the
>>community to get some feedback about the probable companies (within US)
>>who does this repair/exchange service in a faster way. So, that we can get
>>back our machine ASAP.
>>Any kind of help is appreciated.
>>Subrata Chakraborty, Ph.D.
>>University of California, San Diego
>>Dept of Chemistry (Urey hall 5112) 9500 Gilman Dr. # 0356
>>La Jolla, California 92093-0356
>>Phone: 858-534-6053 (Off)
>> 858-736-5332 (Cell)
>>Fax: 858-534-7042
>>Alternative E-mail: [log in to unmask]
>>On Mon, 15 Jan 2007, TASAIN (RACSA) wrote:
>>>Dears, I have to setup a method for pure sugar digestion (500 to 800mg
>>>sugar cane). I wonder of some of you have implement this protocol by
>>>microwave oven?
>>>Best regards,
>>>Alexis Ulloa
>>>San Jos�, Costa Rica
Lora L. Wingate
University of Michigan
Department of Geological Sciences
Stable Isotope Laboratory
1100 North University
1013 C.C. Little Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1005