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Dear Thomas,
Don't know if that's the one you're looking for, but I published a paper in EPSL in 2003 dealing with the isotopic tracking of anthropogenic sources of CO2 in the atmosphere of Paris (215, 289-298).
Let me know if you need a pdf reprint.
Hope this helps,
Dr D. Widory
Stable Isotope Laboratory Manager
3 avenue Claude Guillemin
BP 36009
45060 Orléans Cedex 2
e-mail : [log in to unmask]
Tel : +33-(0)2 38 64 47 72
Fax : +33-(0)2 38 64 37 11
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Stable Isotope Geochemistry [mailto:[log in to unmask]] De la part de Thomas L. Millican
Envoyé : mercredi 7 février 2007 15:24
À : [log in to unmask]
Objet : [ISOGEOCHEM] atmospheric carbon istope paper
Hello All,
I was told of a journal article discussing the isotope ratio of carbon in the atmosphere. Supposedly, the article links the increased atmospheric CO2 concentration to anthropogenic sources through this carbon isotope ratio.
Unfortunately, after a couple of weeks of looking for this article, I have been unable to find it. Has anyone else come across such an article? Either my searching technique is really lacking, or it doesn't exist (the article).
-Tom Millican
University of Arkansas Stable Isotope Laboratory
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