Dear all,
we have problems with nitrate extraction from water for nitrogen isotope
analysis using ion exchange columns. We use BioRad AG1X8 ion exchange
resin and we don't succeed to elute the nitrate quantitatively. For a
water sample containing 10 mg NO3 we use 5 mL of the anion exchange
resin, the dripping rate is approx. 1 L/h. To elute the nitrate we use
in total 30 mL 3M HCl (in aliquots of 3 mL). This should be enough, but
we recover less than 50% NO3. What could be the problem?
Many thanks for your help,
with kind regards,
Sonja Lojen
Doc. dr. Sonja Lojen
Odsek za znanosti o okolju - Department of Environmental Sciences
Institut J. Stefan - J. Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
1000 Ljubljana
Tel.: (+386 1) 5885 393
Fax: (+386 1) 5885 346