Are the resistors glass encapsulated or rubber sleeved? If so, you
should be able to read the type number on the side.
Welwyn at should still make these
for high gain amplifiers.
At 13:35 27/11/2007, you wrote:
>I'm looking for a source for high ohm resistors (1E9 and 1E11 ohms) for our
>Thermo DeltaVplus. I'm trying to find a cheaper source besides through the
>Thermo channels, since they are wickedly expensive. I've found a couple
>suppliers of high ohm resistors, but have no idea what would be the
>appropriate wattage, voltage, etc. Does anyone know the specs on these
>Alison Pye * [log in to unmask]
>Stable Isotope Lab <> *
>Department of Earth Sciences
>Memorial University of Newfoundland
>300 Prince Philip Drive * St. John's, NL
>Canada * A1B 3X5
>ph: (709) 737-3217 * fax: (709) 737-2589
John Hill
Mass Spectrometry Facility
University College London
Chemistry Department
20 Gordon St.
Tel: 020 7679 4605
Fax: 020 7679 7451