Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 7 Sep 2005 15:57:24 +1200
Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
Peter Franz <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
text/plain (104 lines)
Hi Valerie,

I have worked on water isotopes before; however only with atmospheric 
background (I think we have actually met a couple of weeks ago).

Of the instruments, I know both isoprime and Delta-XP. Of the software, I can 
tell you the following:

- Delta XP running Isodat NT 2.0: If you plan to run just what is provided by 
Finnigan, you might get away with it (make sure someone from Finnigan 
actually installs the software for you; installation might drive you mad if 
you do it the first time). If you plan to make alterations to your systems, 
things are getting very complicated due to the lack of any proper manual. Be 
prepared that the software crashes from time to time. Also, as I have seen in 
the process of upgrading from a 1.x version: be prepared to start from 
scratch if you are upgrading to say 3.x in the future, since they provided no 
means of upgrading your settings, gas configurations, scripts and the like 

- Isoprime: I'm running the instrument at the moment, and I think I prefer the 
software over the one provided by Finnigan. However, it is much more complex 
- it can do certainly more things, but making a quick and dirty run just to 
make a simple check in your system can be quite difficult. Also here, a 
proper documentation would be nice, but is probably only needed when you 
develop CF inlets - for the rest, the scripts are quite self-explaining.

From the hardware point of view:

Delta XP is awesome when it comes to automatic switching and tuning between 
different gases. Doing the same with the Isoprime we have run into some 
problems; however we have an old filament at the moment and do not know if 
this is not rather related to that. Anyway: switching between gases, 
especially hydrogen, is always somewhat difficult. You might be better off 
analysing large batches of hydrogen and oxygen samples instead of switching 
between the gases frequently.

I hope this is of help - you can also give me a ring, or come over to NIWA for 
further discussions.



On Wednesday 07 September 2005 14:57, Valerie Claymore wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> We are in the process of deciding which company to purchase a new water
> isotope mass spectrometer from, GVI or Finnigan.
> We are looking at one mass spectrometer to run both isotopes.
> The two systems that we are looking at are GVI's Isoprime coupled with the
> AquaPrep and PyrOH or the Finningan Delta+XP coupled with the GasBench II
> and HDevice.
> I am looking to contact all labs that run both water isotopes on a single
> mass spectrometer, and hopefully close to one of these two configurations.
> I would love to speak with you, and if possible be able to come and visit
> your lab, to be able to get a better feel for each of these systems be for
> we make the big purchase.
> The things that we would like to know, are the normal questions.
>         What is the precision and acuracy?
>         What is the throughput, both in samples per day, and time per
> sample?
>         Do you switch systems regularly, and how long does it take?
>         What type of downtime have you had?
>         How is the ease of use, both with software and hardware?
> Please let me know if you have any experience with this type of
> configuration, and if I may come and see it.
> I am planning for a trip in late September, early October.
> Thank you for your time,
> Valerie Claymore
> Lab Manager
> Stable Isotope Lab
> GNS Science
> 30 Gracefield Road
> Lower Hutt
> New Zealand
> +64(4)570-4645
> [log in to unmask]

Dr Peter Franz

National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
301 Evans Bay Pde
Private Bag 14901
New Zealand

Ph : ++64-4-386-0506
Fax: ++64-4-386-2153

Email: [log in to unmask]