Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 5 May 2006 07:10:10 +0100
Dr W Meier-Augenstein <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Queen's University Belfast
text/plain (104 lines)
Hi Brian,

I think you hit bull's eye with your conclusion that this might be 'simply'
a resource problem though I am not sure why this should physically corrupt
calibration and configuration files.

However, as mentioned in my prior posting, I have seen the system crashing
at the same seemingly critical point (end of peak and about to jump) without
a  lost magnet position being the reason, and I was always wondering if
Isodat was getting its knickers in a twist because it was trying to do too
many handshakes or trying to keep tabs on too many processes at any one time
within itself.

Eliminating access-to-CPU-time-, IRQ- or hex addressing conflicts by running
nothing but Isodat is quite easy, but for Isodat to trip itself up even when
only that's running is the Acquisition module is quite another matter.

Makes one wonder why Thermo ship their systems with PCs that ain't fit for
purpose, i.e. are under-resourced (apart from the obvious cost-cutting
reason). Still, to save a few hundred quid on systems that usually come in
around the 100k mark doesn't make sense; especially when they tell you if
you decide to use a different PC other than that supplied you do so at your
own risk.

The PC that came with our Delta_plus_XP has only 256MB of RAM. Based on your
experience, I think I will treat myself to a memory upgrade.

Thanks for sharing your experience.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Brian Jones
> Sent: 04 May 2006 18:30
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Isodat problems
> Hi Les,
> I too had this same or similar problem for a while. The error 
> message I got was 'program: C:\finnigan\isodat 
> nt\global\bin\workspace.exe - abnormal program termination - 
> (press retry to debug program)'. This error window coincided 
> with a lack of jump from N2 to CO2 configuration. If I 
> clicked any of the buttons the acquisition screen terminated. 
> If I left the screen alone the sample schedule would 
> continue, but could receive the same error again and open a 
> new error window.  
> I too attempted reloads of Isodat, recalibrated the mass 
> scale, deleted and recreated jump files, erased the entire 
> computers hard drive and started over, and removed and 
> replaced memory (as I always received a memory error after I 
> closed the error message mentioned above). None of this 
> solved the problem. I was able to narrow down the fact that 
> the jump file was becoming corrupt for some reason after 
> creation. Deleting and recreating this file would solve the 
> problem for a time, but would always reoccur, however, not in 
> a predictable number of jumps or other factors I looked at. 
> Eventually, I replaced the computer with another that has 
> dual processors (don't think this matters) and 1GB of RAM 
> memory (I do think this matters). I have not seen this error 
> message again. I am not certain that the increase in memory 
> was the solution; perhaps the old computer had another 
> problem within the motherboard or memory cards themselves. 
> However, when I tried to reproduce this error on the new 
> computer by loading the memory and processors with open 
> programs while acquiring data I did receive an error message, 
> however it was different, go figure (sorry did not write it 
> down). This time the jump file was fine and did not get 
> corrupted and once the memory was freed up again the error 
> messages stopped. At any rate, I have not seen this error or 
> had trouble jumping since the change in computer. I have had 
> runs totaling 150 samples and have probably run in excess of 
> 5000 samples so far without problem. I can dual task using 
> internet, email, word and excel without having a problem. I 
> realize this is not really a certified solution, but may be 
> something to look at. If you are able to borrow a high memory 
> system to test, it might save you the expense of buying a 
> system that is not the solution. I any case hope this helps. 
> If you discover the real problem I would be very interested 
> in your findings Brian Jones Stable Isotope Ecology Lab Texas 
> A&M University College Station, Tx. 77843-3146 979-845-8916
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Leslie D. Price
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 10:35 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] Isodat problems
> yes, it is when it makes the jump to CO2 that the problem 
> arises. I will check to see if the "?" is in the window and 
> try to see if the backup program will help.  So far that has 
> not helped.  Thanks for your help, I
> really appreciate   it!  Les