Three Research Fellowships in Isotope Science
John de Laeter Centre of Mass Spectrometry
The John De Laeter Centre of Mass Spectrometry is a joint research venture
between Curtin University of Technology, The University of Western
Australia, CSIRO and the Geological Survey of Western Australia
incorporating more than 50 academic, research and technical support staff.
Centre of Excellence funding by the WA State Government has enabled
acquisition of new instrumentation and the appointment of three new Research
Fellows for up to 5 years.
We are engaged in research in biogeochemistry, cosmochemistry,
geochronology, organic geochemistry, radiogenic isotope studies, stable
isotope geochemistry and thermochronology. Our facilities include single and
multiple collector SHRIMP ion probes, Cameca nanoSIMS and ims1280 ion
probes, solid source mass spectrometers, noble gas mass spectrometers, a He
thermochronology laboratory, stable isotope ratio mass spectrometers,
irm-GCMS instruments, laser ablation and solution ICPMS instruments, and a
Class-10 ultraclean lab.
Position 1: Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry
The Fellow will have a strong interest in terrestrial and marine
biogeochemical processes and their sensitivity to climate change, including
but not limited to changes in temperature, humidity and atmospheric
composition. Of particular interest are biomineralisation, carbon and
nutrient transformation and fluxes, and stable isotope biogeochemistry. The
successful candidate will have significant experience in stable isotope
chemistry (physical or bio/organic geochemistry), environmental chemistry
and/or analytical chemistry or a related field. Experience in field,
laboratory and mesocosm experimentation using mass spectrometry and gas
chromatography is desirable. This fellowship is based at the University of
Western Australia. Please view position 1800 at for
application instructions. For further information please contact Dr Pauline
Grierson on +61 8 6488 7926 or [log in to unmask]
Position 2: Integrated Geochronology and Thermochronology
The Fellow will lead the development and application of next generation
U-Th-Pb-He multichronology methods in collaboration with the Centre's noble
gas thermochronology, LA-ICPMS, ion microprobe and TIMS facilities. We are
expecially interested in scientists with a strong interest in
interdisciplinary studies, an interest in the 4D thermal evolution of the
crust and upper mantle and the use of numerical modeling to build
data-constrained simulations. The ideal person will have experience in
geochemical microanalysis and noble gas mass spectrometry. This fellowship
is based at the University of Western Australia. Please view position 1801
at for application instructions. For further
information please contact Prof Michael McWilliams on +61 8 9266 3708 or
[log in to unmask]
Position 3: Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
The Fellow will develop single and multiple collector techniques in SHRIMP
geochronology, trace element geochemistry and stable isotopes. The
successful candidate will collaborate with research groups and visiting
scientists in the Centre, and will assist in instrument development and
commercial projects. We are especially interested in SIMS researchers
wanting to take a leadership role in one or more of the following fields:
matrix effects on secondary ion emission, zircon-Ti and rutile-Zr
geothermometers in igneous systems, REE measurements in minerals, and the
Sr/Ca, U/Ca, and Mg/Ca palaeothermometers. This fellowship is based at
Curtin University. Please view position 4293 at for
application instructions. For further information please contact Dr Allen
Kennedy on +61 8 9266 3285 or [log in to unmask]
A PhD in a relevant discipline, a proven research and publication record and
a strong interest in interdisciplinary research are fundamental
requirements. Teaching and supervision of graduate students is optional.
The closing date for these positions is 29 June 2007. For more information,
please contact [log in to unmask]