Chris Y.,
We normally freeze manure samples to reduce microbial action and reduce
volatile loss of ammonia.
We use commercial freezers at about -15 to -20 C. To thoroughly reduce
microbial and enzyme action
about -80 C would work better.
G. Martin
Chris Yarnes
<[log in to unmask] To: [log in to unmask]
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Sent by: Stable Subject: Stable Iostopes in Scat
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08/19/03 10:36 AM
Please respond to
Stable Isotope
Could someone advise me on the proper storage and handling of scat for
stable isotope analysis and any other possible analytical issues involved
with running scat, including assumtions in diet analysis? Broad question,
I know, but any help would be most appreciated.
Chris Yarnes
Research Coordinator
Laboratory for Environmental Chemistry
Institute for Natural Resource Analysis and Management
Las Cruces, NM 88003
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