We have found that the septa slowly weaken at the top of the HDevice,
so we change them, just to be safe, every 200 injections or so.
Given that we get >1000 injections per reactor, this means that we
repeatedly cool down the reactors and open them to atmosphere before
they are spent. Or, we may switch to running single samples on the
dual inlet, which necessitates cooling and venting the Cr reator.
We have found that as long as we normalize our unknowns to calibrated
in-house standards analyzed with each batch, there is no decrease in
performance of the system.
Steve Nelson
Dept. of Geology
S389 ESC
Brigham Young University
Provo. Utah 84602
voice: 1-801-422-8688
lab: 1-801-422-5124
FAX: 1-801-422-0267
CARPE CARP: seize the fish