Does anyone happen to have a CD with OS/2 Warp 4.0? Our installation
CD has been damaged, and we are a bit nervous if we have to
re-install. We use this to run an Optima, running 2.47 DI software.
We would be most grateful to find a copy.
Many thanks,
Bruce H. Vaughn Shipping:
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research Attn: B. H. Vaughn
UCB 450 INSTAAR- Stable Isotope Lab
University of Colorado 1560 30th Street
Boulder, CO 80309 Boulder, CO 80303
303-492-7985 voice 303-492-6388 fax
303-492-5495 lab email: [log in to unmask]
"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water"
-Loren Eisley