I want to have a quadrupole MS and a IRMS-combustion interface plumbed to
the same GC (its an Agilent 6890 with a 5975 MS). Both interfaces want to
be connected through the left side of the GC, and the quadrupole HAS to be
joined right up next the the GC. GV set it up so that there is approx.
12inches between the GC and the 850°C combustion furnace, and the part of
quartz tubing along that length is heated to 350°C. With the quadrupole in
place there is no access to the entire left panel of the GC.
As far as I see it I can either:
1) have the GC column exit the GC somewhere that I am not sure of and run a
capillary a distance of ~0.5 meters prior to connecting up with the
combustion interface. There will be GC capillary cooling issues if I take
this route
2) plumb the combustion interface to the right of the GC. Although it will
go through a circuit board it appears that Agilent put a hole in the
circuit board for ideas like this. This may also be a bad idea because my
IRMS is off the left of the GC so I will need approx 6' of capillary to
connect the combustion interfacec to the IRMS
3) wait until somebody on ISOGEOCHEM has a much better idea