Dear Andrew,
Yes it is legal. I am not selling copies of the papers (or pdf files) - that
would be illegal for certain. The only thing I want to do is providing
information and giving links where the materials can be obtained in legal
way. Nothing wrong with that as far as I can see.
You must not overreact on copyright. It has some limits for sure. I know,
this together with trade marks and registered matters etc. are very
sensitive matters at your side of the ocean (and sometimes can lead to
crazyness to my opinion: like a specific company that wanted to register
'Word'!! Everybody then using the term word had to pay them???).
But what I do is perfectly within reasonable and legal limits. Probably
there will be authors and publishers being happy with the extra
advertisement for their publications/magazines...! The more people know
about a publication the better for the authors and also for the publishers.
So, where is the problem anyway? Even showing abstracts would be within
limits - these are free obtainable on internet!
What in fact is illegal - or maybe a (dark)gray area - is placing pdf files
of publications from magazines on internet. Even if you are author yourself
this is disputable. Luckily many do nevertheless (including in the US) and
it looks like publishers allow it so far, but in fact according to copyright
I doubt it is legal. But I do nothing like that with what I propose.
Again, I only charge for providing a service - not for delivering material
belonging to other parties as I clearly do not! I even do not stimulate
others to do wrong things with this service - I just sent them to legal
sites to get the hardcopies they eventually require - stimulating them to do
the legal thing, don't I?
I hope to have answered your worries,
> From: Andrew Schauer <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Tue, 30 May 2006 06:30:32 -0700
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] Repeated request
> Forgive my this legal? You will be profiting on items that have
> copyrights elsewhere. Perhaps individuals have not responded for this reason.
> andy
> --- Pier de Groot <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> This is my repeated request to get your opinion if there is need for a
>> stable isotope reference databank service. Since I collected quite a large
>> number of references considering stable isotopes, including analytical and
>> applied papers in a wide diversity of disciplines over the years, I was
>> thinking if I can make this available to the stable isotope community.
>> Unfortunately I have ot ask some contribution in reverse for such a service,
>> because I did much work and have to make investment (costs) to set this up,
>> if aty all. This strongly depends on the interest shown by you... i.e the
>> stable isotope community.
>> My first inquiry did not generate much reactions (was bad timing for the
>> European side � just before a holiday/long weekend), although most were
>> showing a positive opinion and a few a negative one � fair enough,
> everybody
>> her/his own ideas of course.
>> One argument given was that references can be obtained for free... Of course
>> right, but I realized that very much myself (how did I get this collection
>> of refs anyway, bnot by paying for a databank but by searching libraries and
>> internet myself in a longer time period, with for me an obvious reason to do
>> this).
>> I dare to state that references can be obtained, but such a search wil ltake
>> by far more time and it will be difficult to get a reference list from such
>> a search that is as complete as from my database - and yes, there will be
>> exceptions as there are usually.
>> I repeat my objections for such a database service (at start there will be
>> over 10,000 refs available and I will take care to let it grow by adding
>> refs regularly; I will upgrade the database for as many magazines I can if
>> this will be set-up and running):
>> * possibility to scroll through complete list of references
>> * to search by keywords for selecting specific items, authors, years,
>> isotopes/elements/compounds, etc. etc.
>> * to give a list of authors with linking to/listing of all the references
>> given for this author
>> * including �doi� code with direct linking to the paper (only able to
> access
>> if subscription to the magazine is existing for the person opening the link
>> � password or registration will be demanded in most cases � if free
> access,
>> this can be linked directly, of course)
>> * listing of magazines included in the database (including the used �short
>> name� in the database) and with link to the web-site of the magazine, if
>> available/existing
>> References will be structured:
>> author(s) - year � title � magazine, volume(issue), pages and doi code;
>> eventually also a list of keywords can be included (where I have them � at
>> least for about half the database I have included!)
>> (for book chapters, books or other type of works similar styles).
>> My question is if enough interest exist for such a database access on
>> internet by subscription (yearly renewable charge; the more interested
>> persons the lower such a subscription can be...; mind that I have to make
>> costs for server etc.). I think reduction for students will be good too
>> (after showing formal proof of studentship..). Option of institutional
>> and/or library subscription is seriously considered.
>> Also I like to hear suggestions and comments, if there are volunteers for
>> such...
>> Do not hesitate to include what you are eventually willing to spent for such
>> a subscription, if at all.
>> If this turns out to be a good idea I am prepared to invest in this (server
>> space, URL registration, assistence for IT part, payment regulation, etc.
>> etc. - note that things are not for free for me too � I informed myself
>> already a bit if affordable - also depends on size of interest for this!).
>> Please, react directly to me personally at:
>> [log in to unmask]
>> And tell me what you think. The more reactions I get the better.
>> I look forward for your reactions.
>> Best wishes,
>> Pier.
>> ****************************************************************
>> Delta Isotopes Consultancy
>> Dr. Pier A. de Groot
>> Pastoor Moorkensstraat 16
>> 2400 Mol - Achterbos
>> Belgium
>> Tel. +32 (0)14 326 205
>> e-mail: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
>> Associate editor for stable isotopes of eEarth on-line magazine
>> Visit my WEB-site about my �Handbook of Stable Isotope Analytical
>> Techniques�, with a link to the Elsevier web site on the handbook (marked:
>> �Order Now�):
>> last update: August 15, 2005
>> Volume I is now available. Volume II is expected to be available second half
>> of 2006.
>> ****************************************************************
>> In a World Without Walls or Fences,
>> Who Needs Gates, or Windows?
>> ****************************************************************
> Andrew Schauer
> Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research
> Department of Biology
> University of Utah
> 257 S. 1400 E.
> Salt Lake City,UT 84112 USA
> [log in to unmask]
> 801.581.8917