Hi George,
I have found Nickelized carbon from Elemental
Microanalysis Cat # B1085 works well.
FYI: you have to precondition the ni-carbon by
grinding it gently from grains to a coarse
powder, then send it down the TC/EA to bake
overnight at 1450oC. This will minimize the blank.
At 01:25 PM 4/12/2007, you wrote:
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Georges L. Paradis" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: "Georges @ Work" <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:14 PM
>Subject: Fw: [ISOGEOCHEM] Optimized TCEA test
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Georges L.
>>Paradis" <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: <[log in to unmask]>; <[log in to unmask]>
>>Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 12:13 PM
>>Subject: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] Optimized TCEA test
>>>Hello Everybody,
>>>I am testing the TC/EA parameter modifications
>>>described in the reference below and could use
>>>some advice. Some parameters of interest
>>>include 1) no glassy carbon tube; 2) temp 1270
>>>degC; 3) add nickelized graphite catalyst to every sample 50:50.
>>>I have purchased nickelized carbon wool and
>>>found that it is difficult to work with. The
>>>wool is cut with scissors and then loaded into
>>>the capsules. Is there another form of
>>>nickelized carbon (possibly granular) available?
>>>The paper examines the analysis of
>>>phosphates. Do you think these parameters would also apply to carbonates?
>>>The paper cites Morrison's Micromass
>>>Application Brief AB10. I'm having difficulty
>>>locating this. Can anyone provide some clues
>>>where one may find this publication?
>>>Thank you very much,
>>>Georges L. Paradis
>>>Analytical Lab Manager
>>>Marine Science Institute
>>>University of California Santa Barbara
>>>Santa Barbara, CA 93106
>>>805-893-7182 (ICPMS lab)
>>>805-893-3802 (MSI lab)
>>>[log in to unmask]
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Francois
>>>Fourel" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 3:37 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] NBS 30 - TCEA
>>>>For those who are interested we have recently
>>>>published a paper on the topic of oxygen pyrolysis with EA-IRMS.
>>>>The reference is:
>>>>"High precision determination of 18O/16O
>>>>ratios of silver phosphate by EA-IRMS
>>>>continuous flow technique - C. Lιcuyer, F.
>>>>Fourel, F. Martineau, R. Amiot, A. Bernard,
>>>>V. Daux, G. Escarguel and J. Morrison (2007)
>>>>Journal of Mass Spectrometry - 42: pp 36-41."
>>>>Some of the aspect we describe may be useful for other types of minerals.
>>>>Hope this helps,
>>>>Franηois FOUREL
>>>>UMR CNRS 5125 PEPS
>>>>Universitι Claude Bernard Lyon 1
>>>>2 rue Raphaλl Dubois - Bβt. Gιode
>>>>Tιl : +33 (0) 4 72 44 62 42
>>>>FAX : +33 (0) 4 72 43 16 88
>>>>Email : [log in to unmask]
>>>>Clemente Recio a ιcrit :
>>>>>Dear Darren (and others),
>>>>>I would be very much interested in hearing
>>>>>your experience doing mineral samples by
>>>>>EA-pyrolysis, particularly your hydrogen set
>>>>>up and results (I assume that the O
>>>>>mentioned refers to the hydration oxygen).
>>>>>We attempted long ago to use an
>>>>>EuroVector+Isoprime, but got erratic
>>>>>results, so I abandoned. But it would
>>>>>certainly be most helpful to be able to do at least Hydrogen ...
>>>>>>Dear Colleagues
>>>>>>Looking through the Isogeochem archives
>>>>>>there was a discussion back in 2001 on the
>>>>>>dD of NBS 30 (see one such message below).
>>>>>>We have been analyzing NBS 30 here using
>>>>>>our TCEA and the results compared to our
>>>>>>other internal and international standards
>>>>>>are not very good. Have I missed some vital
>>>>>>information around the community about
>>>>>>analyzing NBS 30 for dD and d18O using a
>>>>>>TCEA? We are getting good results for dD but not for d18O.
>>>>>>>Re: delta D of NBS-30
>>>>>>>Willi A. Brand
>>>>>>>Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>>>Mon, 10 Sep 2001 08:13:51 +0200
>>>>>>>a number of years ago, during the early stages of high temperature
>>>>>>>pyrolysis developments at Finnigan I ran NBS30 at the 1-5-milligram
>>>>>>>level and got astonishing results. I do not recall the exact numbers but
>>>>>>>I had two distinct cluster values. My conclusion at the time was that
>>>>>>>the material was not homogeneous at the single grain level and I
>>>>>>>discontinued using it for the purpose. Has anyone experienced something
>>>>>>>Willi A. Brand, Stable Isotope Laboratory [log in to unmask]
>>>>>>>Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry
>>>>>>>Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10, 07745 Jena, Germany Tel +49-3641-643718
>>>>>>>P.O.Box 100164, 07701 Jena, Germany Fax: +49-3641-643710
>>>>>>Dr Darren Grocke
>>>>>>Associate Professor & Director of SIBL
>>>>>>Stable-Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory (SIBL)
>>>>>>McMaster University
>>>>>>School of Geography & Earth Sciences
>>>>>>1280 Main Street West
>>>>>>Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4K1
>>>>>>Phone: 905 525 9140 ext. 26334
>>>>>>Fax: 905 546 0463
>Stephen Taylor
>Lab Manager, Isotope Science Lab,
>University of Calgary, Physics & Astronomy,
>2500 University Dr. N.W.
>Calgary, Alberta,
>Canada, T2N 1N4
>(p) 403 220 8268
>(f) 403 220 7773
>[log in to unmask]