I might be interested in the Jun-Air compressor. Please send me
photo/specs. Thanks,
At 09:34 PM 7/18/2005 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi Everyone,
> This is the last of my mass spec parts that I must
> find buyers for in the next 10 days. I have a dumpster in my driveway
> that will be receiving any of the parts I cannot sell in the next week or
> so, so please make me an offer.
>Optima/Prism 3 electronics, Prism collectors, Sector collectors &
>collector housing, Daly knobs, HPLC pump, column & accessories, Jun-Air
>compressor, LN2 dewar, Peter Paul valves, Minisols & Microsols, Pirani
>gauges and heads, microgram balances, sample vessels, Hoke bottles,
>diffusion pumps, a turbo pump, flight tube, flight tube parts, blanking
>flanges, flange adapters, electrical feedthrough flanges, high voltage
>supplies, cryo baffle/trap, Gilson 222s and accessories, GS-Q GC Columns,
>reference gas reservoirs, Rack-mount cooling fans, a Spex ball mill and more.
>Let me know if you want to receive the files with pictures and brief
>descriptions of the parts.
>Thanks in advance.
Jonathan D. Karr, Ph.D.
Technical Director, Duke EnVironmental stable Isotope Laboratory (DEVIL)
Duke University Dept.of Biology & Nicholas School of the Environment and
Earth Sciences
Phytotron Bldg, 71 Science Drive (Campus Box 90340)
Durham, NC 27708-0340
(919) 660-7418
Fax: (919) 660-7425
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