Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Fri, 1 Sep 2006 08:11:02 +0200
text/plain (37 lines)
Charlotte Lehmann a écrit :

> At Gilles and others suggestion, I checked to see if the amplifiers  
> were zeroes with the source off. they were/are. I ran the amplifier  
> test in the diagnostics program and came back with zeroes, but it was  
> only finding one gas configuration (CO) not all of them (N2 and CO2  
> being left out).
> Then I tried a mass calibration as Sergey suggested. The mass  
> calibration cannot be completed because instead of shifting the mass  
> 44 BDAC value to a lower magnet field (from start at 11637) as it is  
> supposed to (and does for masses 12 and 28), it shifts to a higher  
> magnet field (19595) after the second cycle and then cannot find the  
> peak on the third cycle.
> We have a newly installed (in June and July) Delta V Advantage 
> running  with Isodat 2.5.
> Any more suggestions or do I need to call in the Thermo service  
> engineer? It is under warranty afterall!

dear charlotte,
I don't know what  the values of your resistance and capcities of your 
amplifiers are.  If thare are the same order try to swap  them : 44 on 
45 and 45 on 44 and look to your background. You can  gently clean them 
at the  same time
Best regards

Dominique Blamart
Domaine du CNRS 
Bât. 12, Avenue de la Terrasse 
91198 Gif sur Yvette 

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