Dear Steve,
You can use these materials (NBS18 and NBS19) as O-isotope reference
(secondary standard) materials when analysing carbonates. However, the
O-isotope scale is the VSMOW-SLAP scale (defined as 0 and -55.5 permil,
respectively), and any O-isotope value must be related to this scale (if
reporting to VSMOW). This means, unfortunately, for carbonates an extra
traceability step, introducing an additional uncertainty.
Certainly it is not a good idea to have more than one scale - we can have
sub-scales (but introducing more uncertainty!), as I have explained on the
list not too long time ago (look into the archives).
NBS18 is given as: -23.00 plusminus 0.07 permil and NBS19 as: -2.20 permil
(here also should be a plusminus value, since it is not the defined primary
international standard!!!; Can you comment on that Manfred Groening? Might
be introduced this way because for carbon isotopes the material has a
defined value as primary standard...).
Values taken from: M. Groening (2004) International stable isotope reference
materials, In: Handbook of stable isotope analytical techniques, Vol. 1,
P.A. De groot (ed.), Elsevier: 874-906.
I still believe we have to drop the VPDB-'scale' for oxygen (a sub-scale
where conversion to VSMOW introduces uncertainty, although not included in
the commonly used equations - conversion cannot be absolute, however...) -
it is only a historical (and probably sentimental and conservative) artefact
and more confusing than adding anything to proper analysis, and not needed
in any sense.
Hopefully this helps.
Best wishes,
Delta Isotopes Consultancy
Dr. Pier A. de Groot
Pastoor Moorkensstraat 16
2400 Mol - Achterbos
Tel. +32 (0)14 326 205
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Associate editor for stable isotopes of eEarth on-line magazine
Visit my WEB-site about my ³Handbook of Stable Isotope Analytical
Techniques², with a link to the Elsevier web site on the handbook (marked:
ŒOrder Now¹):
last update: August 15, 2005
Volume I is now available. Volume II is expected to be available in 2007.
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> From: "Crowley, Stephen" <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2006 09:17:16 -0000
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Conversation: Normalisation of oxygen isotope scale for carbonates
> Subject: [ISOGEOCHEM] Normalisation of oxygen isotope scale for carbonates
> I'd like to ask if it is now generally accepted practice to normalise
> the oxygen isotope scale for carbonate analysis by using values for
> NBS18 and NBS19 of -23.00 and -1.95 per mille (VPDB)?
> Regards,
> Steve Crowley
> Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences
> University of Liverpool
> 4 Brownlow Street
> Liverpool
> L69 3GP
> UK
> 0151 794 5163/5164