Hi All--
One other item, sometimes "wiggling" the source helps, as mentioned on
isogeochem earlier. Apparently the bushing can stick a little, and then
you don't get a good seal on the inside wall. Of course if you put the
spring on backwards, as I am prone to do...but it slides in easier...
take care
Nabil Saad wrote:
> Andy,
> 1- you can use a gold ring more than once, but you need to apply
> additional and incremental torque beyond the first time use. We used
> ours twice and it works fine. Beyond the second use, you can double
> two old ones. You can also buy gold rings from SIS for a fraction of
> the price that you'd pay for it from Th.... (Will be happy to provide
> an SIS part #, upon request)
> 2- Unprecedented increase in sensitivity in the instance you
> mentioned, should be commensurate with "unprecedented" high vacuum
> level. What is the high vac level that person is operating at and What
> is your 253 High Vac reading now?
> 3- Sensitivity/signal intensity depends on the tuning parameters.
> Thermo recommends setting al parameters at 50% of their max value
> except for extraction voltage (80%) and then run the . However, you
> can double your signal intensity by running a manual tune. It requires
> some patience on your part but it's quite rewarding :)
> 4- Also, you might want to turn your CO2 ref gas on and slowly adjust
> the sulfur window (ion source variable conductance) until you maximize
> your signal intensity.
> 5- The only problem that the quartz tube connector that channels the
> flow into the source is when it's cracked. It will definitely turn the
> 253 "tight source" into an open one and you will lose sensitivity for
> sure. There is no sweet spot I am aware of, except that the filament
> has to be well aligned with the window, hence the variations from
> filament to filament.
> Hope this helps,
> Nabil
> Nabil Saad
> Kinemed, Inc
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Andrew Schauer
> <[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>> wrote:
> I have been fighting a low signal intensity on our continuous
> flow, carbon and nitrogen, MAT253 for some time. The source is
> clean, the filament is new, the capillaries are freshly cut and
> not crimped, the reference gas pressures are normal, background
> N2, O2, Ar, H2O signals are low and at a "no leak" level. The two
> variables I am wondering about both could potentially mis-align
> the gas inlet port with the stainless steel bush / quartz tube
> source inlet. One is the gold ring compression after repeated
> source removal and installs. Two is the rotational "play" of about
> 2 mm in the source once installed into the appropriate keyed spot.
> I have heard of one instance where two gold rings (one old and one
> new) were installed and the user obtained unprecedented (very
> high) signal intensities.
> 1) How many times should one use the gold ring?
> 2) Do you think the gold ring compression can mis-align the gas port?
> 3) Does a "sweet spot" exist within the ~2 mm of rotational movement?
> 4) Any other ideas for MAT253 signal degradation?
> Thank you.
> andy
> Andrew Schauer
> Department of Earth and Space Sciences
> University of Washington
> Seattle, WA 98195
> 206.543.6327
> [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>