Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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"Willi A. Brand" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Stable Isotope Geochemistry <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 22 Dec 2005 17:25:33 +0100
text/plain (67 lines)
I have two suppliers of steam cleaned 1/16" o.d., 0.005" (=0.125  mm) 
i.d. stainless steel capilaries: Upchurch Scientific (U-157, U-158) and 
VICI/Valco ( T100C5D). We have tried both with very good success. It is 
important NOT to excessively heat those capillaries, a normal heat gun 
at 200-300 °C will suffice. The capillaries require a 1/4" to 1/16" 
swagelock adaptorr. This will make the volume in front of the capillary 
larger, hence these are not suited for the microvolume. We have used a 
custom made crimping tool which is removed after crimping is done. You 
can also use the crimps of an old Finnigan capillary.
I hope this os of  help.

J T Hill wrote:

> Hiya All
> Does anyone know a source of stainless steel capillaries for the dual 
> inlet on a MAT253? We have tried numerous suppliers but to no avail.
> Basically the sample and reference capillaries on our MAT253-Kiel 
> device got contaminated and they need to be replaced. It turns out 
> that the size required is 0.7mm (OD) x 0.12mm (ID) x 1160mm long. We 
> bought some lengths from a UK supplier but these had an ID of 0.40mm 
> which is too large. We cannot control the flow rate to a consistent 
> level when balancing the crimps.
> If anyone has had this problem with replacing capillaries on dual 
> inlets we would like to hear from them. The cost of buying them from 
> Thermo is prohibitive. The Swagelock ends are actually silver soldered 
> to the outside and we have been connecting them to an HPLC pump to 
> clean them out with solvent prior to installing.
> Regards
> John Hill
> John Hill
> Mass Spectrometry Facility
> University College London
> Chemistry Department
> 20 Gordon St.
> London
> WC1H 0AJ
> Tel:  020 7679 4605
> Fax: 020 7679 7451


Willi A. Brand, Stable Isotope Laboratory      [log in to unmask]

Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry

Beutenberg Campus
Hans-Knoell-Str. 10, 07745 Jena, Germany      Tel: +49-3641-576400
P.O.Box 100164,      07701 Jena, Germany      Fax: +49-3641-577400

GASIR 2005 in Jena:
