Helliker , B.R., J.S. Roden, C.S. Cook, and J.R. Ehleringer. 2002. A rapid and
precise method for sampling and determining the oxygen isotope ratio of
atmospheric water vapor. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 16:929-932.
--- Neeta Bijoor <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Does anybody know of a good way to trap water vapor cryogenically for 18O
> and 2H analysis? I want to make sure that I am trapping as much water
> vapor as I need to get a representative isotope reading. Any methods or
> papers you can refer me to?
> Thanks,
> Neeta
Andrew Schauer
Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research
Department of Biology
University of Utah
257 S. 1400 E.
Salt Lake City,UT 84112 USA
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