Hi John, Hi Janet,
I would beg to differ with Antonio's recommendation in as much as my
suggestion would be to un-install or at least de-activate any anti-virus
programme that might be running on your 2 Isodat PCs.
Also, if you can, try avoid running any other CPU intensive applications
such as spread-sheets at the same time your IRMS are running and
acquiring data.
We've got a similar set-up here, i.e. Delta_plus_XP controlled by Isodat
2.0 (sadly no MAT252 or 253) but I couldn't say what the latest SP is.
However, we don't experience any lock-up or freeze problems, which I
attribute to the fact that I religiously follow the golden rule not to
trust any claims made my Microsoft as to the multi-tasking capability of
its various OS.
If your IRMS PC is neither networked nor connected to the Internet and
you are the only persons having access rights to this PC (and it's
locked while you are not working on it), then running an Anti-Virus in
the background is not a must. It's still good policy to scan your PC on
a regular basis but don't have the Anti-Virus software running while
running Isodat (or any other real-time data acquisition software).
Similarly, do not run any other software packages (especially not
spreadsheets or stats) while your CPU is talking to your analyzer. One
missed or not completed hand-shake is all it takes for the PC to get its
knickers in a twist.
I'm not claiming this will solve your particular problems but it will
decrease the risk of your PCs seizing up.
Dr W Meier-Augenstein, CChem, MRSC
Environmental Engineering Research Centre
School of Civil Engineering
Queen's University Belfast
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