I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but at one point I ran into
similar difficulties with peak jumps (it's been a while, so I don't
recall what exactly the error was). I was able to solve it simply by
putting a 1 second difference between the "peak jump" order and the
"dilution on" order. I think the system was getting confused trying
to perform both operations at the same time.
Paul Eby
University of Victoria
At 11:30 AM 04/05/2006, you wrote:
>Hi Leslie,
>I've resolved the ??? that appeared in my jump and mass calibrations without
>uninstalling isodat or doing any major computer cleaning.
>As a first resort, I deleted the entire mass calibration or jump calibration
>and tried to do a new one. If this didn't work, I used version handler to
>reload an old backup, then re-calibrated everything. If you don't backup
>frequently with version handler I would do that. It makes restoring the
>system very easy, without having to paste in files. You do need to note
>that your analysis # will revert to the old one from the backup and none of
>your user files (results, methods, sequences) will be saved. So if you are
>using a database like LIMS or track your analysis #, you need to make sure
>this is current.
>I backup my user files, and also store all results with LIMS, and use
>version handler. These backups are always on a media separate from the mass
>spec computer.
>Hope this helps,
>Benjamin Harlow
>Washington State University
>School of Biological Sciences
>P.O. Box 644236
>Pullman, WA 99164-4236
>Office: 509-335-6161
>Lab: 509-335-6154
>Fax: 509-335-3184
>Laboratory for Biotechnology and Bioanalysis Stable Isotope Core
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
>Of Brian Jones
>Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 10:30 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] Isodat problems
>Hi Les,
>I too had this same or similar problem for a while. The error message I got
>was 'program: C:\finnigan\isodat nt\global\bin\workspace.exe - abnormal
>program termination - (press retry to debug program)'. This error window
>coincided with a lack of jump from N2 to CO2 configuration. If I clicked any
>of the buttons the acquisition screen terminated. If I left the screen alone
>the sample schedule would continue, but could receive the same error again
>and open a new error window.
>I too attempted reloads of Isodat, recalibrated the mass scale, deleted and
>recreated jump files, erased the entire computers hard drive and started
>over, and removed and replaced memory (as I always received a memory error
>after I closed the error message mentioned above). None of this solved the
>problem. I was able to narrow down the fact that the jump file was becoming
>corrupt for some reason after creation. Deleting and recreating this file
>would solve the problem for a time, but would always reoccur, however, not
>in a predictable number of jumps or other factors I looked at.
>Eventually, I replaced the computer with another that has dual processors
>(don't think this matters) and 1GB of RAM memory (I do think this matters).
>I have not seen this error message again. I am not certain that the increase
>in memory was the solution; perhaps the old computer had another problem
>within the motherboard or memory cards themselves. However, when I tried to
>reproduce this error on the new computer by loading the memory and
>processors with open programs while acquiring data I did receive an error
>message, however it was different, go figure (sorry did not write it down).
>This time the jump file was fine and did not get corrupted and once the
>memory was freed up again the error messages stopped. At any rate, I have
>not seen this error or had trouble jumping since the change in computer. I
>have had runs totaling 150 samples and have probably run in excess of 5000
>samples so far without problem. I can dual task using internet, email, word
>and excel without having a problem.
>I realize this is not really a certified solution, but may be something to
>look at. If you are able to borrow a high memory system to test, it might
>save you the expense of buying a system that is not the solution. I any case
>hope this helps. If you discover the real problem I would be very interested
>in your findings
>Brian Jones
>Stable Isotope Ecology Lab
>Texas A&M University
>College Station, Tx. 77843-3146
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Stable Isotope Geochemistry [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf
>Of Leslie D. Price
>Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 10:35 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [ISOGEOCHEM] Isodat problems
>yes, it is when it makes the jump to CO2 that the problem arises. I will
>check to see if the "?" is in the window and try to see if the backup
>program will help. So far that has not helped. Thanks for your help, I
>really appreciate it! Les