Comparisons are typically made for isotopes of the same atoms. If you know how enriched (N) your samples are expected to be, someone may know of a source for a comparable N reference gas/material, allowing you to save your Ar for leak-detection. :-)
Best Wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Tao Fang <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, May 22, 2006 0:45 am
Subject: [ISOGEOCHEM] question on N2:Ar measurement
> Dear All:
> I have a question on N2:Ar ratio measurement. Is it
> possible to measure enriched N2 isotope (mass 29 and
> 30) by comparing with Ar peak? Whether all dual inlet
> mass spectrometer can measure mass ratio of 29/40 and
> 30/40, just like 28/29 and 28/30? or any special
> modification is necessary?
> Any suggestion is welcomed!
> Best regards
> Tao
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