Dear subscribers
I am running single ostracod shells on a MAT252 with a Kiel device, and we found that some of the
valves were not completely dissolved. We realised that in such situation the shell, or part of it,
was on the top of the vial, so that it may have jumped probably due to a bubble during the reaction
with acid.
Has anyone of you found this problem before? Could you give any recommendation?
One possible way to avoid such a jump would be crashing the shell. Some ideas on this or any other
Thanks in advance
Best wishes
Biel Obrador
Departament d'Ecologia
Facultat de Biologia
Universitat de Barcelona
Av Diagonal, 645
E-08028 Barcelona
Telf: +34 93 402 15 06
Fax: +34 93 411 14 38
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