Stable Isotope Geochemistry


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Arnold van Dijk <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 May 2006 14:41:37 +0200
text/plain (42 lines)
Hello Biel Obrador,

I had this with one sort bentic foram that jumped high on the wall of the reaction vessel and did not
react much. Crushing helped a lot but still parts of the foram succeeded to crawl up the wall and
survive a bit.


Biel Obrador wrote:

> Dear subscribers
> I am running single ostracod shells on a MAT252 with a Kiel device, and we found that some of the
> valves were not completely dissolved. We realised that in such situation the shell, or part of it,
> was on the top of the vial, so that it may have jumped probably due to a bubble during the reaction
> with acid.
> Has anyone of you found this problem before? Could you give any recommendation?
> One possible way to avoid such a jump would be crashing the shell. Some ideas on this or any other
> thought?
> Thanks in advance
> Best wishes
> --
> Biel Obrador
> Departament d'Ecologia
> Facultat de Biologia
> Universitat de Barcelona
> Av Diagonal, 645
> E-08028 Barcelona
> Telf: +34 93 402 15 06
> Fax:  +34 93 411 14 38
> EMAIL: [log in to unmask]
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