Thanks Vince for presenting the "other side". I too am not convinced about 1 to 1 computers for all students, but I can say that mobile labs in our district have been really well received by educators and students. They have helped tremendously with getting the technology back into the classrooms and relieved some of the difficulties of scheduling computer lab time. The mobile lab model is less apt to be abused because the teacher's sign them out and are responsible for making sure kids are using the laptops on task (well,....most of the time!)
Jean Campbell
CESU Technical Services
Phone: 802-899-4690 X501
Pager: 802-450-2254
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>>> Vince Rossano <[log in to unmask]> 5/4/2007 8:51 AM >>>
In light of my role as resident contrarian on this list, I feel obliged to forward this link to an article in today's NYT:
"Seeing No Progress, Some Schools Drop Laptops"
Vincent Rossano
Information Technology Director
Montpelier Public Schools
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 225-8690