I use the procedure below as well, but have toyed with the idea of using
roaming profiles instead.... My only concern is that we have a variety of
clients (Win98, Win2K, WinXP) and different workstations will also use
different printers...... In a Windows server environment, does anyone have
suggestions about how to work that out?
Eric Hall
Technology Coordinator
Waterbury/Duxbury Schools
Waterbury, VT
> Logon as a regular user and setup the profile the way you want. Logoff
> and then login as the local admin. Right click the My Computer icon and
> select properties. Select the Advanced tab and go to user settings. Copy
> the profile you just setup into the 'default user' directory. This is a
> hidden folder by default so make sure that you enable "show all files" in
> Windows Explorer. That should do the trick. Alternatively, you could try
> using group policy but that's another discussion altogether.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Christopher Haessly
> Network Administrator
> Chittenden South Supervisory Union
> [log in to unmask]