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Jean Campbell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
School Information Technology Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Dec 2007 15:12:05 -0500
text/plain (70 lines)
To reimage our gateway laptops & desktops, we use Novell zenworks on a Suse Linux server via PXE network boot.  The computer has to be plugged directly into the network to do this (can't reimage using wireless.)  Zenworks imaging runs on one of our servers and we have lots-o-diskspace to store our images.  From our administration software, we can tell it to reimage a certain computer, then the next time the computer starts it starts reimaging.  The main thing we have found in doing this is to have a network card that has the correct drivers to support this (PXE and Zenworks).  That is one of the things we test on the desktops and laptops that we are looking at purchasing before we buy.  We have had some that wouldn't do this so we had to go with another model machine.  

On the mac's we use carbon copy cloner.  It is shareware from  We use external harddrives (that holds the image) with firewire connections to do this to a workstation/laptop.  

I don't know how we would survive without these tools.  

Jean Campbell
CESU Technical Services
Phone: 802-899-4690 X501
Pager: 802-450-2254
>>> Lucie deLaBruere <[log in to unmask]> 12/02/07 10:56 AM >>>
This was very thorough and most helpful.   You mentioned imaging the
notebooks.  Do you use Ghost for this?  and if not, do you have another
suggestion.  I know that our tech has spent a lot of time trying our desktop
imaging solution on the new laptops with no success.  I do believe that one
issue she ran into was the fact that the dual notebook cable fit IDE drives
and  did not fit the new SATA hard drive interface and she was not able to
find a similar cable to fit the notbebook drives

Has anyone tried either of these as solutions - W,ProductID,3755,,.htm

I would love to have her chat with someone who has a working solution so we
can get these laptops successfully deployed into the classrooms.



 I spent a lot of time looking at carts

On Dec 2, 2007 9:33 AM, Carol Viens <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>  I will be gone from Dec. 1-Dec 8. I will reply to your messages upon my
> return.
> Sincerely,
> Carol

Lucie deLaBruere

Work: 802 527  0565 x 3206
Cell:  802  752  6086

[log in to unmask]

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