We do all our Gateway's with Zenworks imaging. The main issue is what kind of network card is in the computer. Zenworks works best with Intel and Broadcom cards. We tested all the Gateways we bought prior to purchase to make sure that they work with Zenworks. The driver has to be installed on the zenworks server. If there is not a driver available from Novell for the kind you have you will not have success so you have to make sure it is a compatible nic.
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>>> Michael Finn <[log in to unmask]> 6/12/2008 9:32 AM >>>
Does anyone have any insight on getting Gateway/MPC machines working with ZENworks Imaging?
Michael Finn
Network Administrator
Essex Town School District
58 Founders Road
Essex, VT 05452
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>>> Jean Campbell <[log in to unmask]> 6/11/2008 20:58 >>>
We are switching from Gateway/MPC to HP this summer. I can comment more on their performance in a few months. So far we like what we have gotten for demos and have been able to make them work with novell zenworks imaging and the price is less.
I've noted that St. Michael's College is making the same transition on their school computers as well.