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Bob Wickberg <[log in to unmask]>
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School Information Technology Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Sep 2012 10:25:31 -0400
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I'm curious, for all of you are doing, or at least piloting 1-1s:  does it
really cost $300 per student per year?  An iPad 3 or a decent netbook can
be had for about $500, and I sure hope they last more than two years, on
average.  Granted, we'd probably need to add one more person to our tech
support team, but If this can be done for less, I'd hate to see that
figure put our board off.

Bob Wickberg
Technology Coordinator
Brattleboro Union High School District # 6

School Information Technology Discussion <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>Hello all:
>The following text was just sent in letterhead form to all
>Superintendents, Principals, Business Managers and School Board Chairs
>and members.? 
>Please talk this up in your schools and Supervisory Unions.
>The text of the email begins_? (I am including the actual text in this
>The attached letter from the Vermont Department of Education outlines
>preliminary plans for a large scale purchase with multiple states of
>computing devices intended for 1:1 programs.?? The letter provides some
>level of detail, but at this point is more directly meant to provide a
>call for local planning strategies for funding 1:1 in School Year 2013.?
>More detail will be provided as this process moves forward over this
>This letter is being sent directly to superintendents, principals,
>business managers, tech coordinators and school board members.? It will
>also be going out over a couple of Ed Tech listservs, and will be
>included in next weeks' DOE weekly Field Memo.? ?
>State of Vermont
>Vermont Department of Education?????????????????? 
>[Marker]120 State
>[Marker]Montpelier, VT 05620-2501
>September 7, 2012
>Dear Vermont School Superintendents, Principals, Business Managers,
>School Board Chairpersons, Technology Coordinators and educators in the
>Vermont education community:
>As we move forward into the 21st Century, it is imperative that we plan
>for our students' digital futures.? Around Vermont, broadband access is
>being increased each day as new fiber is installed to serve communities.?
>With this level of connectivity, schools will have the ability to connect
>their students to the world around them - and a world of information - by
>using devices such as laptops, tablets, netbooks, and even smartphones. 
>In his vision for education in Vermont (the Governor Shumlin Strategic
>Plan, released in 2011), Governor Shumlin clearly states that
>connectivity and access are two of his high priorities. In fact, one of
>the key points of this plan is "Deployment and support for 1:1 computing
>statewide to support learning for ALL learners with personal computing
>devices by September 2013."? The Governor has set the bar high and we as
>educators need to work toward making this a reality for our students.?? 
>In education, as we look toward addressing Education Quality Standards
>and continuing to raise the bar with regard to flexibile pathways for
>learning and the move to proficiency based assessments, technology is a
>foundational key in building student success.? With these goals in mind,
>the Vermont Department of Education is currently engaged with a
>consortium of states to develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) from device
>vendors to supply a range of grade levels (TBD) and students with a
>computing device.? In its current state this is a program that would be
>funded by local funds from the schools that wish to participate. The
>purpose of this letter is to make you aware of this effort and to spur
>you to begin planning for SY2013 budgets that could allow your schools to
>participate in this program.? 
>The timeline for the offer is as follows:
>*???????? The RFP will be released in the fall of 2012
>*???????? Reviews of proposals will occur in early 2013
>*???????? Devices would be delivered over the summer of 2013, ready to
>deploy in classrooms at the start of SY2013-
>It behooves schools and supervisory unions that may be considering going
>1:1 on their own to join in this consortium effort.? By expanding the
>number of devices purchased, we anticipate being able to secure very
>competitive pricing on one device that will be chosen based on the
>proposals and the parameters detailed in the RFP.? The Vermont Department
>of Education encourages schools to look to their local funding structures
>to plan for this funding that could be paid out in Fall of 2013.? 
>While this effort is moving forward, another parallel effort is gaining
>ground in terms of attempting to garner state support for all or a
>portion of the funding that may be necessary to make this successful for
>all schools.? While at this point there are no details along these lines,
>there is active discussion on many fronts.?? As this develops, schools
>will be kept up to date.? 
>The RFP will describe parameters for what a "device" should be capable of
>doing, some of those capabilities being:
>*???????? Connection to the Internet via wireless access
>*???????? Ability to provide a textual method of composing, with either a
>keyboard or virtual keyboard
>*???????? Availability of camera for photo and video connectivity, (web
>An additional option discussed amongst a small committee has been a
>"touch" interface.? This of course limits somewhat the devices that are
>currently available, but it is hard to ascertain what is expected on the
>market in the next year.? 
>?The National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) has
>agreed to act as the agent in helping the multi-state group write the
>RFP.? The resulting contract, (or contracts) when written, will likely
>originate in the State of Maine with other states signing participating
>addendums.? While we are desirous in Vermont of a single solution with a
>maximum discounted purchase price, there does appear to be the
>possibility of an option of a small variety of options available.?? 
>What should schools plan on with regard price and over how many years??
>For your planning purposes consider the following:
>A workable figure for the device for a four-year cycle is approximately
>$300.00 per year, per student.? This cost covers a device such as a
>laptop computer or a tablet device such as an iPad.? Other factors locals
>may consider include additional costs for a case, insurance and any
>peripherals desired.? If a tablet is chosen in the RFP review there is
>also the question of purchasing "apps" for use with the device.? An
>outside figure may be $400.00 per device when all of these extras are
>considered.? Naturally, serious consideration is going into a
>comprehensive professional development program. 
>As this process continues, there will come a time when a commitment
>letter or indication of desire to participate will be necessary from each
>school that does wish to partake. Until that time, the Vermont Department
>of Education will make every effort to share the released RFP, any
>additional information about funding and a regular status report as the
>process moves forth.? In the Fall of 2012 an effort will be made to
>garner a "show of hands" on schools that may be interested.? Should you
>have questions about this initiative, please contact Peter Drescher,
>Education Technology Coordinator, at the Vermont Department of
>Peter Drescher
>Education Technology Coordinator
>Vermont Department of Education 
>120 State St.
>Montpelier, VT? 05620
>[ mailto:[log in to unmask] ][log in to unmask]
>Peter Drescher
>Education Technology Coordinator
>Vermont Department of Education
>Integrated Support for Learning Division
>120 State St. 
>Montpelier, VT? 05620
>Ph.: 802.828.5149
>FAX: 802.828.0573
>[ mailto:[log in to unmask] ][log in to unmask]
>Twitter:? VTDOE_EdTech