> I am looking for suggestions of good papers discussing the methods currently
> or formerly used to isolate by cryogenic means the CO2 from other gases prior
> to CSIRMS.
The CO2 can be cryogenically isolated after the GC column of an
elemental analyser then passed onto the dual-inlet mass spec... There's a
technical note from VG ISOGAS, No.7, 1988ish. I'm not sure if it's what
you require but send me your fax no and I'll send it. Best wishes.
Iain Robertson +
Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research, +
University of Cambridge, Free School Lane, + Tel. ++ 44 (0)1223 334881
Cambridge, UNITED KINGDOM CB2 3RS + Fax. ++ 44 (0)1223 334871
Godwin Institute homepage http://www.esc.cam.ac.uk/GIQR.html